Thursday, October 7, 2010

We're putting this blog on a diet!

We know y’all were expecting a Hunger Games post today, and we’ll get to it, eventually (probably) but after over a month of daily posts we’ve realized that in addition to our real lives and stuff, that trying to post something entertaining every day has just gotten to be too much.

So, instead of just putting out crap every day to keep up with the blog, we’ve decided to scale back a bit and stick with the parts of the blog that everyone seems to enjoy the most.

We’ll still swap recipes and music, and you Nosy Nellies will still get a peek into our lives. We do reserve Wednesdays for something else if the fancy strikes us. We will be able to talk about a certain tv show or movie or maybe an outfit we need to put together. It’s going to be our random day. Friday will be our new food day, and it will pick up next week with Sass telling y’all about a recipe that Snark sent her.

So join us back here on Monday when Snark reviews some music Sass sent and all will be right with the blogosphere again...only lighter.

Photo taken from

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