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Hey, hey, hey! So, we got this crazy idea one day -- let’s start a blog! No one has ever done that before, right? What’s that? Oh, yeah, everyone and their grandmamas have blogs, so just go ahead and add us to the list. Hopefully, this one will be a touch different because it’s kind of a social experiment between two people that live completely different lives, picked to live in a house and find out... oh wait... that’s The Real World. My bad. No, but, seriously, we are going to share things we enjoy like food, music, fashion, pop culture nonsense, etc. Oh, and we’re going to talk about it all too. It’s a simple concept, but we think it will provide endless entertainment for... ourselves... and anyone who happens to read it. ;)
Dude. No emoticons. We’re above emoticons. If you’re going to have emoticons, we might as well toss up a glittery gif of Hello Kitty and a monster size picture of RPatz up at the top or something. Just saying.
Um, emoticons have no direct link to Hello Kitty. That is a scientific proven fact. You are just jealous that my emoticon wink brings all the trolls to the yard. And, omg, have I gotten too internet speak with the trolls reference? Jeez. I bet I have. Here look at this as Sass explains a bit more.
So join us daily to see what’s going on. We’ve reserved Wednesday’s as the day to dig deeper into our psyches...Watch as we lay out on the metaphorical couch that is the internet. Or not. Mostly we’ll just be posting pictures of glimpses into our daily lives on Wednesday’s, and talk about how they differ (or not). Today’s picture is of our front door’s, as a way of saying “Welcome, come on in...” (But please, don’t forget to at least wipe your shoes off first).
Also, don’t come over to my house unless I invited you or you call first. I’d hate to be caught watching Lifetime in my underwear. Sass, your door is a lot nicer than mine, but I am a renter. I’m definitely not painting my door myself. What are those things on your door, though?
My kid’s handprints. We were doing some outside painting one day and he found his way to the door and decide to get all Michaelangelo on me, by putting one painted hand on it. The OCD-freak in my then promptly painted his other hand and had him balance it out by making another handprint on the left side. I mean, I guess I could have just as easily wiped the 1st handprint off the door...but we figured it added a little somethin-somethin.
We do own, in’s a duplex, so we’re also landlords, which still makes me laugh. So, yeah, it’s nice to be able to do whatevs to our place. But, Snark, as a renter you can still totally decorate your door...a take out menu wreath perhaps? A little planter in the corner by the front door? (note the jungle like appearance flanking my front door).
I have a black thumb. I’m serious. I do have a few plants inside that I’m trying my best not to murder. I live in a fourplex apartment in a lovely part of town, but the door to the outside doesn’t really close all the way. Bugs are always in there, and it’s just eww. I actually swept before taking this picture, and it’s all wonky because I had to stand on the stairs to take it.
I’m glad you cleaned for us. I’m not really getting gold stars in the cleaning department. But I’m sure you’ll see that on a future Wednesday...
I clean when forced. Um, what? No. I’m just kidding. My apartment is spotless. This is the internet, so you have to believe that. It’s almost as reliable as the tv. Which, by the way, is what we will be talking about tomorrow. Man, who can segue better than me??
No one, that's who. Just kidding. Watch the video below to learn more about what we're doing. Hopefully, you'll think it's funny. Just click on it to play. Also, if you haven't figured it out by now, I (Snark) write in this orangey color and Sass writes in brown.
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