House - Monday's at 8PM - Fox
So, I won't lie - I totally started watching this show for the hotness that is Hugh Laurie. I mean, yeah, the premise is great, the acting superb and the writing intricate and smart; but watching the hunky Hugh Laurie all scruffy with an American accent? No brainer - this show is definitely in my top 5. In my opinion, last season was probably the best they've had in the entire series.
I can only hope that the writers, directors and actors come back with even more captivating story lines and fresh ways of showcasing their basic formula (Mysterious illness-->Lupus? No! --->try out 10 different cures--->almost kill patient--->Last minute save).

Glee - Tuesday’s at 8PM - FOX
It's not that big a secret that I consider myself a Gleek.I'm that chick who's belting out a radio song at the top of her lung's while cruising down the highway, or serenading my yellow rubber ducky in the shower. I can't sing for squat, though, which is why I live out my secret high school choir fantasies through Glee. A clever mix of campy storylines, cheesy yet lovable songs, and decent acting makes it a hit in my eyes.

My only worry is that they'll jump the shark too soon with this show, as they've already jam packed it with cameo after cameo. If they stick to showcasing the original cast without playing up the show pony aspect, I think Glee has the stuff to stick around for a while.
Top Chef - Just Desserts - Wed @10 BravoMr. Sass and I are huge fans of Bravo's Top Chef. Neither of us are gourmet chefs, but for an hour every week I can pretend I am in my own head as I critique seasoned chefs as they take on various food related challenges. In addition, I get to drool over delicious meals prepared in crazy conditions, all from the comfort of my own couch.

Greek - ABCFamilyGreek is like the bastard child you don't talk about. It's my shameful secret. The one I keep stuffed in the back of the closet with my penchant for Chef Boyardee and nineties pop music.
Truth time: Not only have I never been involved in a sorority. I made it through four years of undergrad without once stepping foot into a Greek house. I know. I figure my love of this show is filling some empty need I had to drink beer from red plastic cups, worry about whether or not I would be lavaliered, and attend parties where a toga would be acceptable attire. It's cheesy television at it's best, and I may or may not check the ABC Family website at least once a day to see if they've posted the new season's air date.
Now...which of these shows to subject Snark to first?
Snark: Well, first things first, it was really hard for me to choose five shows, and, no, that's not because I was so excited about the fall schedule. It's because I barely watch anything anymore. I mean, I watch tv, but if you asked me what I watched last night, it was probably River Monsters or reruns of Freaks and Geeks on IFC. Also, after having Tivo, it's impossible for me to remember when anything comes on anymore. Days and times have no meaning when you have the trusty digital recorder on your side. Sadly, I don't have one. Thus, I am screwed. So, I'm listing some shows I watch and some shows I want to start watching again. Here are mine... in a particular order:
NBC Thursday Night Line up
There has always been something magical about Thursday nights. It started back with Seinfeld and then Friends and continues to this day. Sure, NBC has had its shares of bombs, but recently they've tightened up their Thursday line up into something quite enjoyable. 
Community is fresh and I'm excited to see what they're going to come up with this season, in order to prevent it from growing stale. I'll leave 30 Rock for my other half, but just know...I may have a girly crush on Liz Lemon. I'm a little nervous about the word on the street that Steve Carell will be leaving The Office, and wonder how that will impact this upcoming season. Last season was a little hit or miss, so I'm hoping they come back strong this time. There's a new show rounding out the evening called Outsourced, about a Mumbai based call center. I'm a little wary about this one, but I'll give it a shot. Let's hope that this season's NBC Thursday leaves me with sweet dreams, rather than awkward nightmares
Top Chef - Just Desserts - Wed @10 Bravo

How could they ever improve on this idea? The geniuses over at Top Chef apparently have been raiding my pantry and understand how important dessert is in the Sass Household with the creation of Just Desserts. This show will follow the same basic format of the original with quick fire challenges as well as a longer, more intense challenge. I can't wait to see what types of pastries, pies, cakes, cupcakes, and other delectable treats the cheftestants whip up. nom.
Greek - ABCFamily

Now...which of these shows to subject Snark to first?
Snark: Well, first things first, it was really hard for me to choose five shows, and, no, that's not because I was so excited about the fall schedule. It's because I barely watch anything anymore. I mean, I watch tv, but if you asked me what I watched last night, it was probably River Monsters or reruns of Freaks and Geeks on IFC. Also, after having Tivo, it's impossible for me to remember when anything comes on anymore. Days and times have no meaning when you have the trusty digital recorder on your side. Sadly, I don't have one. Thus, I am screwed. So, I'm listing some shows I watch and some shows I want to start watching again. Here are mine... in a particular order:
True Blood - Sundays at 8 Central - HBO

30 Rock - Thursdays at 7:30 Central - NBC

Gossip Girl - Mondays at 7 Central - CW

Chuck - Mondays at 8 Central - NBC

Ace of Cakes - whenever I catch it - Food Network

So, what shows are you looking forward to watching? Are there any that you are sad about because they're not coming back. We would love to hear about it!
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