It’s Wednesday again, so that means y’all get a sneak peek into our lives. We decided to compare the things that we all have to see how we differ. It’s been fun so far with front doors and knick knacks, but today we’re going where every single episode of Mtv Cribs has gone before -- the fridge.
So, do I have a bottle of Cristal chilling in my fridge like P. Diddy? No, I have a forty of malt liquor that I’m not sure where it came from and two bottles of Andre. Does Sass have a whole row dedicated to the energy drink she promotes? Yeah, I don’t think so.
Check out what we do have. Sass is going to go first.
Sass: When we first bought this place, I was all wide eyed excited at the thought of a sleek, stainless steel fridge. But now? Not so much. Not only do magnets not stick on the front, but our fridge is set up in a way that makes it very narrow, and a pain to organize properly, especially the freezer. That doesn’t prevent us from stuffing it full of food on a weekly basis.
Here’s a wide shot of the entire thing. You can see that there really isn’t much rhyme or reason as to where we place things.

We belong to a meat CSA (remember that whole farm to table bit from yesterday? We really do our best to adhere to it). Every month we receive a bunch of meat from a local farm...anything from ground beef to steak to chicken.
And freezer is complete without some ice cream or tots...
Our fridge is organized a bit better, I think. Most of our drinks are up at the top...OJ, local milk and our latest purchase - local cider! It really starts to feel like fall once the local ciders start coming out. We may have *just* bought that cider as well...It never lasts long here.
There’s also the requisite yogurt (we go through so much yogurt in this house) as well as local chicken eggs (I’d say we easily eat 2 dozen, if not 3, a week!), 1/2 a grapefruit, some leftover Moroccan veggies that I made the other day, and some artificial margarine spread (can you read the disdain I type that with through your computer?). I hate margarine and am a huge proponent of butter, but my brother - who lives with us - does not agree, so I allow his fake “dairy” spread in hopes he’ll see the light one day...

(Snark: You put your honey in the fridge?? Weird. I put syrup in the fridge, though, so I guess it's the same thing.)
A little further down and you see our assortment of soy sauces and hot sauces as well as some u-Bet chocolate sauce that Mr. Sass bought to make egg creams (which have neither egg nor cream in them. go figure).
Snark: Sass has so much in her fridge. Mine is going to look sparse compared to hers. I do have one thing she doesn’t have, though, and that is a MAGNETIZED DOOR!
I live in an apartment, and the kitchen is definitely not state of the art. I think y’all can tell that by the door itself. Who buys manilla appliances these days? No one, that’s who. Anyway, on the door, I have some invitations, birthday cards, a post card, a picture of my niece, a pic of myself and my younger sister as babies and a list of things I can and can not digest easily without a gallbladder. Fun. I know.
Moving on to the inside, y’all can see that it’s not stocked. I do live alone, though, so a stocked fridge would most likely mean a lot of wasted food, and that is never good. I’ve got fruit and veggies, milk, chai, creamer, filtered water, juice, pudding, hummus and some Chinese egg drop soup that I should eat today or throw out. There is also some chicken and ground turkey that I wish I could freeze, but alas, my freeze burns EVERYTHING. I have to keep it to the minimum for freezer items.
(I need to pop in and say - holy cow! Your fridge is so freaking neat!)
Then, there is the door. I seem to have a lot of salad dressing and mustard. If you come to my house, don’t expect a sandwich with mayo. It’s not going to happen. I also have some custard style yogurt which is my favorite. There is a really good muscadine jelly from the Farmer’s Market, minced garlic, fake butter, goat’s cheese and some alcohol that will prob never be consumed. I’ve had that bottle of wine for over a year. I wonder if it is even still good?
Well, those are the fridges. What we want to know is what do you always have in the fridge? What item can you not pass up at the grocery store? Let us know!
oh, an my fridge is mini manilla. came with the house, which is OLD and we haven't done the kitchen. It's been 10 years, we may never at this point.
ReplyDeletethat was actually honestly interesting. I can tell that "Sass" is a mom just by her fridge. It looks like mine. Without the fake butter (uch) and the frozen fruit. My kids won't touch smooties. But they love fruit. I try to tell them this makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is a meat csa? They just... give you the meat? That's amazing. Seriously.
And "Snark" (that's weird. Can't I just call you Nicole?) we buy the same milk, which made me smile. I'm crazy. Mine is whole milk though, not fatfree. The kids won't touch fatfree. Luckily we're all a pretty fit family, so I'm not worried they're milking themselves into obesity. And fuck yes custard style yogurt is amazing. Everything else is too runny.
Your fridge is so clean. I can't even think about my fridge looking like that, and I clean it out every 2 weeks. Jealoussss.
Cat - We eat a variety - usually some local stuff (Sidehill Farm) or Stoneyfield Farm is a go to as well as Chobani (greek style yogurt, yum!!).
ReplyDeleteAlso - I just saw that Snark said I keep honey in my fridge. I don't. We do, however, keep syrup in a honey bear jar for easy pouring for the kiddo. :P
Tasha - yes! a meat csa! It's just like a veggie csa, but instead of fresh veg we get farm fresh meat...and it's only a once a month pick up vs weekly. I guess they just give it to us, but we *do* pay for it, ha! and you clean out your fridge every 2 weeks? O_o I don't think I've cleaned out my fridge since we moved in here and that's been...2 years? yeah.
This meat thing, I'm looking into it right now. I'm always paranoid that my kids are going to grow an extra arm with all the shit the pack chickens and cows with. Though, at the moment, my seven year old is refusing all meat because he realized that it does, in fact, come from an actual animal.
ReplyDeleteI haven't told him pork is pig. He ate five slices of bacon this morning. I feel no guilt.
Yeah, every 2 weeks. We're a military family (even though I don't act like it) and my shit is organized to the max. Then it gets destroyed. But yes, everything goes on the counters and I wash the fridge out with soap and hot water. The washing is actually my 7 year olds job now, but he still "needs help". I tried to get the 4 year old to help, but she started licking spilt jelly from one of the shelves, and that put an end to that.